الصفحة الرئيسية >> Signaling Pathways >> GPCR/G protein >> LTD4 Receptor

LTD4 Receptor

LTD4 Receptor is a member of G-protein coupled receptor for cysteinyl leukotrienes. The activation of this receptor triggers smooth muscle contraction, eosinophil migration, and damage to lung mucus layer. It is associated with asthma and cancer.

منتجات لـ نبسب؛ LTD4 Receptor

  1. القط. رقم اسم المنتج بيانات
  2. GC11238 Verlukast

    MK-679; L 668019;MK-0679;MK0679;L668019;L-668019

    Leukotriene D4 antagonist Verlukast  Chemical Structure

1 عنصر (عناصر)

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