>> Signaling Pathways >> Ox Stress Reagents >> Antioxidants


Products for  Antioxidants

  1. Cat.No. 상품명 정보
  2. GC92018 N,N′-Diferuloylputrescine

    bis-Ferulamidobutane; (E/Z)-Terrestribisamide

    N,N′-Diferuloylputrescine은 Z. mays에서 발견되었으며 다양한 생물학적 활성을 가진 폴리아민입니다. N,N′-Diferuloylputrescine  Chemical Structure
  3. GC40298 N-acetyl-5-Aminosalicylic Acid

    Acetylmesalazine, N-acetyl-ASA, N-acetyl Mesalamine, NSC 54183, Salicytamide

    N-acetyl-5-Aminosalicylic acid is a metabolite of the anti-inflammatory agent 5-aminosalicylic acid and its prodrug form, sulfasalazine. N-acetyl-5-Aminosalicylic Acid  Chemical Structure
  4. GC47737 N-acetyl-L-Cysteine ethyl ester

    NACET, NAC ethyl ester

    N-아세틸-L-시스테인 에틸 에스테르는 N-아세틸-L-시스테인(NAC)의 에스테르화된 형태입니다. N-acetyl-L-Cysteine ethyl ester  Chemical Structure
  5. GC44304 N-Acetyl-S-allyl-L-cysteine L-Deoxyalliin, also known as S-allyl-L-cysteine, is a water soluble organosulfur compound derived from garlic that has neuroprotective and antioxidative activities. N-Acetyl-S-allyl-L-cysteine  Chemical Structure
  6. GC52073 N-formyl-2-Aminophenol

    2’-Hydroxyformanilide, NSC 93900

    A bacterial secondary metabolite with antioxidant activity N-formyl-2-Aminophenol  Chemical Structure
  7. GC47784 N-methyl-2-HOBA (hydrochloride)

    N-methyl-2-(Aminomethyl)phenol, N-methyl-2-Hydroxybenzylamine, 2-hydroxy-N-Methylbenzylamine

    A methylated form of 2-HOBA N-methyl-2-HOBA (hydrochloride)  Chemical Structure
  8. GC91655 N-Methylnuciferine (iodide) N-Methylnuciferine is an aporphine alkaloid that has been found in A. cherimola and has diverse biological activities. N-Methylnuciferine (iodide)  Chemical Structure
  9. GC49428 O-Des[2-aminoethyl]-O-carboxymethyl dehydroamlodipine A major metabolite of amlodipine O-Des[2-aminoethyl]-O-carboxymethyl dehydroamlodipine  Chemical Structure
  10. GC41497 Ocimene Ocimene is a monoterpene found in a variety of plants, including Cannabis, and is a volatile compound involved in plant-plant signaling and plant defense against pests. Ocimene  Chemical Structure
  11. GC49815 Oleuropein aglycone


    A polyphenol with diverse biological activities Oleuropein aglycone  Chemical Structure
  12. GC47826 Omeprazole sulfone-d3

    OMEP sulfone-d3, OMP sulfone-d3, OMZ sulfone-d3

    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities Omeprazole sulfone-d3  Chemical Structure
  13. GC40921 Orsellinic Acid Orsellinic acid는 Lecanoric acid를 알코올로 처리하여 생성되는 화합물입니다. Orsellinic Acid  Chemical Structure
  14. GC91296 p-Carboxyphenyl Sulfate

    황산화된 페놀산

    p-Carboxyphenyl Sulfate  Chemical Structure
  15. GC44582 p-Cymene

    4-Cymene, para-Cymene, NSC 4162

    p-Cymene is a monoterpene that is found in a variety of plants, including C. p-Cymene  Chemical Structure
  16. GC48703 Palmarumycin C3 팔마루마이신 C3는 내생균인 Berkleasmium sp.의 배양액에서 분리된 스피로비스나프탈렌 화합물입니다. Palmarumycin C3  Chemical Structure
  17. GC47858 Palmitelaidic Acid-d13

    C16:1(9E)-d13, 9-trans-Hexadecenoic Acid-d13

    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities Palmitelaidic Acid-d13  Chemical Structure
  18. GC47932 Pelargonidin 3-O-glucoside (chloride)


    칼리스테핀(Pelargonidin 3-O-glucoside) 염화물은 딸기와 초크베리에서 발견할 수 있는 안토시아닌입니다. Pelargonidin 3-O-glucoside (chloride)  Chemical Structure
  19. GC45777 Peonidin 3-O-glucoside (chloride)

    Peonidin 3-β-D-glucopyranoside

    안토시아닌인 Peonidin 3-O-glucoside(chloride)는 인슐린 분비 촉진제 역할을 합니다. Peonidin 3-O-glucoside (chloride)  Chemical Structure
  20. GC47955 Phloroglucinol

    Benzene-s-triol, 1,3,5-Hydroxybenzene, NSC 1572, 1,3,5-Trihydroxybenzene, sym-Trihydroxybenzene

    A phenol with diverse biological activities Phloroglucinol  Chemical Structure
  21. GC19245 PHYSALIEN


    PHYSALIEN(피살리엔)은 구기자 유래 카로티노이드로 항염, 항산화 스트레스 효과가 있습니다. PHYSALIEN  Chemical Structure
  22. GC18645 Piperitenone

    NSC 667470

    A monoterpene

    Piperitenone  Chemical Structure
  23. GC46019 Pluviatolide


    Pluviatolide((-)-Pluviatolide)는 Zanthoxylum pluviatile Hartley의 수피에서 찾을 수 있는 리그난입니다. Pluviatolide  Chemical Structure
  24. GC47980 Propionyl-L-carnitine-d3 (chloride)

    C3:0 Carnitine-d3, CAR 3:0-d3, L-Carnitine propionyl ester-d3, Levocarnitine propionate-d3, L-Propionylcarnitine-d3

    An internal standard for the quantification of propionyl-L-carnitine

    Propionyl-L-carnitine-d3 (chloride)  Chemical Structure
  25. GC45551 Prostaglandin Bx


      Prostaglandin Bx  Chemical Structure
  26. GC40006 Pyranonigrin A

    7-hydroxy Pyranonigrin S

    Pyranonigrin A는 Penicillium brocae MA-231에서 분리 및 확인됩니다. Pyranonigrin A  Chemical Structure
  27. GC44786 Pyridoxatin 피리독사틴은 미생물 기원의 자유 라디칼 제거제입니다. Pyridoxatin  Chemical Structure
  28. GC48019 Quercetin (hydrate) A flavonoid with diverse biological activities Quercetin (hydrate)  Chemical Structure
  29. GC48020 Quercetin-d3 (hydrate) A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities Quercetin-d3 (hydrate)  Chemical Structure
  30. GC48413 rac-Astaxanthin

    AstaREAL, AstaXin, BioAstin, Carophyll Pink, Lucantin Pink, NatuRose, Ovoester

    A potent lipidsoluble antioxidant rac-Astaxanthin  Chemical Structure
  31. GC49771 rac-Hesperetin-d3


    An internal standard for the quantification of hesperetin rac-Hesperetin-d3  Chemical Structure
  32. GC48029 RC363 An inhibitor of ferroptosis RC363  Chemical Structure
  33. GC48030 RC574 An inhibitor of ferroptosis RC574  Chemical Structure
  34. GC44820 Resveratrol-3-O-Sulfate (sodium salt) Resveratrol-3-O-sulfate(나트륨)는 Resveratrol의 대사 산물입니다. Resveratrol-3-O-Sulfate (sodium salt)  Chemical Structure
  35. GC18771 Resveratrol-4'-O-D-Glucuronide


    Resveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxy-transstilbene), a polyphenol phytoalexin, possesses divers biochemical and physiological actions, including estrogenic, antiplatelet, and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Resveratrol-4'-O-D-Glucuronide  Chemical Structure
  36. GC45798 Rhein-13C4

    Rheic Acid-13C4

    An internal standard for the quantification of rhein

    Rhein-13C4  Chemical Structure
  37. GC91920 Rhein-13C6

    Rheic Acid-13C6

    Rhein-13C6 GC 또는 LC-MS 정량 대황산의 내표로 사용하도록 설계되었습니다. Rhein-13C6  Chemical Structure
  38. GC49485 Ricinine

    NSC 409913, NSC 642604

    리시닌은 CCl4로 유발된 간 손상에서 간 보호를 나타냅니다. Ricinine  Chemical Structure
  39. GC48401 Risuteganib (trifluoroacetate salt)


    An anti-integrin peptide Risuteganib (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  40. GC91548 Rosuvastatin EP Impurity A (calcium salt) Rosuvastatin EP impurity A is a potential impurity in commercial preparations of the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor rosuvastatin. Rosuvastatin EP Impurity A (calcium salt)  Chemical Structure
  41. GC92117 RVG Peptide (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Rabies Virus Glycoprotein; Rabies Virus Glycoprotein 29; RABV-G; RVG29

    RVG Peptide (trifluoroacetate salt)은 니코틴형 아세틸콜린 수용체(nAChR) 옹색제(인간 수용체에 대한 IC50=2.5μM)의 일종이다. RVG Peptide (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  42. GC46215 S-Acetyl-L-glutathione


    A derivative of glutathione S-Acetyl-L-glutathione  Chemical Structure
  43. GC44860 S1QEL1.1


    S1QEL1.1 is a small molecule that suppresses superoxide production during reverse electron transport through the IQ site of the mitochondrial respiratory complex I (IC50 = 70 nM) without affecting oxidative phosphorylation. S1QEL1.1  Chemical Structure
  44. GC49093 Safflower Red

    Carthamin Yellow

    A red pigment with diverse biological activities Safflower Red  Chemical Structure
  45. GC40653 Salicylcurcumin


    Curcuminoids are natural and synthetic analogs of curcumin, a natural polyphenol with modulating effects in inflammation, cancer, and immunity. Salicylcurcumin  Chemical Structure
  46. GC64119 Saponarin

    Isovitexin 7-glucoside, Petrocomoside

    사포나린은 Gypsophila trichotoma에서 분리된 천연 플라보노이드로 항산화, 항염 및 간 보호 활성이 있습니다. Saponarin  Chemical Structure
  47. GC48973 Sekikaic Acid A lichen metabolite with diverse biological activities Sekikaic Acid  Chemical Structure
  48. GC48074 Semaglutide (acetate) A GLP-1R agonist Semaglutide (acetate)  Chemical Structure
  49. GC91627 Semaglutide (sodium salt) Semaglutide is an agonist of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP-1R; EC50 = 6.2 pM in a reporter assay using BHK cells expressing the human receptor). Semaglutide (sodium salt)  Chemical Structure
  50. GC92116 Semaglutide Main Chain (9-37)

    Semaglutide Intermediate 29; Semapeptide

    Semaglutide Main Chain (9-37) 는 semaglutide를 합성하는 펩타이드 시작 원료입니다. Semaglutide Main Chain (9-37)  Chemical Structure
  51. GC91493 Semaglutide Side Chain Semaglutide side chain is a synthetic intermediate. Semaglutide Side Chain  Chemical Structure
  52. GC48894 SIH

    NSC 33760, Salicylaldehyde Isonicotinoyl Hydrazine, Salinazid

    SIH는 항결핵제입니다. SIH  Chemical Structure
  53. GC61286 SP-8356 SP-8356  Chemical Structure
  54. GC44947 SRS16-86 SRS16-86은 ferroptosis의 강력한 억제제입니다. SRS16-86  Chemical Structure
  55. GC49500 Stobadine


    A pyridoindole antioxidant Stobadine  Chemical Structure
  56. GC45571 STY-BODIPY


      STY-BODIPY  Chemical Structure
  57. GC48764 Sydowinin B


    A xanthone polyketide with immunosuppressant activity Sydowinin B  Chemical Structure
  58. GC19822 SYRINGETIN 플라보노이드 유도체인 시린게틴은 BMP-2 생성 증가와 관련이 있습니다. SYRINGETIN  Chemical Structure
  59. GC44989 TAN 420E

    Dihydroherbimycin A

    TAN 420E is a bacterial metabolite originally isolated from Streptomyces. TAN 420E  Chemical Structure
  60. GC49426 Taurine-d4

    β-Aminoethylsulfonic Acid-d4

    An internal standard for the quantification of taurine Taurine-d4  Chemical Structure
  61. GC41498 Terpinolene

    4-Isopropylidene-1-Methylcyclohexene, p-Meth-1-en-8-yl-formate, δ-Terpinene, α-Terpinolene

    Terpinolene is a monoterpene found in the essential oils of various plants, including C. Terpinolene  Chemical Structure
  62. GC33877 Tetrahydrocoptisine ((RS)-Stylopine)

    NSC 110382, NSC 404529, (R,S±)-Stylopine

    Tetrahydrocoptisine((RS)-Stylopine)(Tetrahydrocoptisine)은 원래 호송나무 괴경에서 분리된 알칼로이드 화합물로 항염 및 항기생충 활성을 나타냅니다. Tetrahydrocoptisine ((RS)-Stylopine)  Chemical Structure
  63. GC48162 Theobromine-d6 An internal standard for the quantification of theobromine Theobromine-d6  Chemical Structure
  64. GC45578 Thymohydroquinone

    NSC 34803

      Thymohydroquinone  Chemical Structure
  65. GC40555 Tiopronin

    BRN 1859822, (±)-Tiopronin

    Tiopronin is an antioxidant that has diverse biological activities. Tiopronin  Chemical Structure
  66. GC91083 Tiopronin-Cysteine Disulfide

    티오프로닌의 대사산물

    Tiopronin-Cysteine Disulfide  Chemical Structure
  67. GC49062 Tiopronin-d3


    티오프로닌-d3은 티오프로닌으로 표시된 중수소입니다. Tiopronin-d3  Chemical Structure
  68. GC45066 Tosyl Phenylalanyl Chloromethyl Ketone

    Nα-Tosyl-L-Phenylalanine Chloromethyl Ketone, TPCK

    토실 페닐알라닐 클로로메틸 케톤(L-1-토실아미도-2-페닐에틸 클로로메틸 케톤, L-토실 페닐알라닐 클로로메틸 케톤)은 HPV-18 E7 단백질의 망막모세포종 단백질(RB) 결합 코어와 반응하는 강력한 세린 프로테아제 억제제입니다. 그것의 RB 바인딩 능력. Tosyl Phenylalanyl Chloromethyl Ketone  Chemical Structure
  69. GC40043 Totarol

    NSC 299936, (+)-Totarol, trans-Totarol

    Totarol은 Podocarpus spp.에서 분리된 디테르페노이드 화합물입니다. Totarol  Chemical Structure
  70. GC45070 trans-Clovamide

    N3',4'Dihydroxy(E)cinnamoyl3hydroxyLtyrosine, NtransCaffeoylLDOPA

    천연 페놀 화합물인 trans-Clovamide(trans-trans-Clovamide)는 강력한 항산화제입니다. trans-Clovamide  Chemical Structure
  71. GC48193 trans-Nerolidol A sesquiterpene with diverse biological activities trans-Nerolidol  Chemical Structure
  72. GC48194 trans-Resveratrol-d4


    An internal standard for the quantification of trans-resveratrol trans-Resveratrol-d4  Chemical Structure
  73. GC48414 Tribuloside (hydrate)

    Kaempferol 3-β-D-(6\-p-coumaroyl)glucoside

    A flavonoid with antibacterial and antioxidant activities Tribuloside (hydrate)  Chemical Structure
  74. GC49884 Trigonelline-d3 (chloride)

    N-methyl Nicotinic Acid Betaine-d3

    An internal standard for the quantification of trigonelline Trigonelline-d3 (chloride)  Chemical Structure
  75. GC15933 Troxerutin

    Trihydroxyethylrutin, Vitamin P4

    비타민 P4로도 알려진 트록세루틴은 활성 산소종(ROS)의 생성을 억제하고 ER 스트레스 매개 NOD 활성화를 억제할 수 있는 천연 바이오플라보노이드 루틴의 트리하이드록시에틸화 유도체입니다. Troxerutin  Chemical Structure
  76. GC49329 Turkesterone (hydrate) A phytoecdysteroid with diverse biological activities Turkesterone (hydrate)  Chemical Structure
  77. GC45108 U-74389G

    Methylated Tirilazad

    U-74389G(PNU74389G meleate)는 항산화제이며 지질 과산화 반응을 억제할 수 있습니다. U-74389G  Chemical Structure
  78. GC14721 U-83836E


    antioxidant U-83836E  Chemical Structure
  79. GC45126 Uric Acid (sodium salt) (Standard) 산소 라디칼의 제거제인 요산(나트륨염)(요산나트륨)은 혈압의 안정성과 항산화 스트레스를 유지하는 데 도움이 되는 매우 중요한 항산화제입니다. Uric Acid (sodium salt) (Standard)  Chemical Structure
  80. GC49407 Vitexin-4’’-O-glucoside Vitexin-4’’-O-글루코시드는 Crataegus pinnatifida 잎에서 추출한 일종의 플라보노이드 분획입니다. Vitexin-4’’-O-glucoside  Chemical Structure
  81. GC45595 Vulpinic Acid

    NSC 5897

    이끼 대사산물인 Vulpinic acid는 H2O2로 인한 ROS 생성, 산화 스트레스 및 인간 제대 정맥 내피 세포(HUVEC)의 산화 스트레스 관련 손상을 감소시킵니다. Vulpinic Acid  Chemical Structure
  82. GC48969 Withanone

    NSC 179884

    Withanone은 인지 기능 장애 완화에 다기능 신경 보호 효과가 있는 Withania somnifera 뿌리의 활성 성분입니다. Withanone  Chemical Structure
  83. GC20091 α-Arbutin

    4-Hydroxyphenyl α-D-glucopyranoside

    α-Arbutin (4-Hydroxyphenyl α-D-glucopyranoside) is emerging as popular and effective skin whiteners, acting as tyrosinase inhibitor.

    α-Arbutin  Chemical Structure
  84. GC18638 α-Copaene


    A sesquiterpene

    α-Copaene  Chemical Structure
  85. GC11519 β-Tocotrienol β-토코트리에놀은 비타민 E의 한 형태입니다. β-Tocotrienol  Chemical Structure

Items 201 to 284 of 284 total

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