>> Signaling Pathways >> Stem Cell >> CK1


CK1 (casein kinase 1) is a family of protein kinases are serine/threonine-selective enzymes that function as regulators of signal transduction pathways in most eukaryotic cell types.

Products for  CK1

  1. Cat.No. 상품명 정보
  2. GC16325 CKI 7 dihydrochloride Casein kinase 1 (CK1) inhibitor CKI 7 dihydrochloride  Chemical Structure
  3. GC13202 D4476

    Casein Kinase I Inhibitor

    Inhibitor of CK1 and ALK5 D4476  Chemical Structure
  4. GC14503 IC261


    IC261은 Ckiδ, Ckiε 및 Ckiα1에 대해 IC50이 각각 1μM, 1μM, 16μM인 선택적 ATP-경쟁 CK1 억제제입니다. IC261  Chemical Structure
  5. GC17466 LH846 LH846은 IC50이 290nM인 CKIδ의 선택적 억제제이고 IC50이 각각 2.5μM 및 1.3μM인 CKIα 및 CKIε를 덜 강력하게 억제합니다. LH846  Chemical Structure
  6. GC10556 PF-670462 An inhibitor of the CK1 isoforms CK1ε and CK1δ PF-670462  Chemical Structure

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