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Buy Chemical Compounds & Get Free GK Series Products

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Buy Chemical Compounds & Get Free GK Series Products

How It Works

Place an order for our products from Thermo Fisher, and we will offer you the attached GK series product as a free sample.

The free sample is the smallest size listed on our website and is redeemable in equal amounts based on the catalog price of the product you ordered.


If you purchase GC43908-500ug for $657.00, you can choose from the following products as free samples:

  • 21 vials of GK10001-5mL ($30 each)
  • 25 vials of GK10002-1mL ($26 each)
  • Or a combination, such as 21 vials of GK10001-5mL and 1 GK10002-1mL
Tips: Each customer is limited to receiving free samples on the first 5 orders.
         This activity is limited to Europe and the United States. Other regions with distributors are not eligible for the activity.

How to Redeem

Once you have placed your order through Thermo Fisher, contact us to let us know your free sample choices. We will ship your free samples along with your order once all the information is verified.

GK Series Product Table

SKUNameCitationsThe Smallest SizePriceCategory
GK10001 Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) 808 5mL $30.00 Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicity Detection
GK10003 Cytotoxicity LDH Assay Kit 7 100T $48.00 Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicity Detection
GK10010 Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail (2 Tubes, 100X) 11 1mL A + 1mL B $33.00 Inhibitor Cocktails
GK10011 Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail I (100× in DMSO) 19 1ml $26.00 Inhibitor Cocktails
GK10012 Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail II (100× in ddH₂O) 19 1ml $23.00 Inhibitor Cocktails
GK10013 Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail III (100× in DMSO) 13 1ml $32.00 Inhibitor Cocktails
GK10014 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (EDTA-Free,100× in DMSO) 36 1ml $23.00 Inhibitor Cocktails
GK10022 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (100X in DMSO, EDTA plus) 9 1mL A + 1mL B $19.00 Inhibitor Cocktails
GK10019 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail V (EDTA-Free, 100X in DMSO) 7 1ml $18.40 Inhibitor Cocktails
GK10015 Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail (EDTA Free, 100X in ddH2O) 1 1ml $31.00 Inhibitor Cocktails
GK10020 Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail (EDTA plus, 100X in ddH2O) - 1mL A + 1mL B $38.00 Inhibitor Cocktails
GK10021 Deacetylase Inhibitor Cocktail (100× in 70% DMSO) - 1ml $28.00 Inhibitor Cocktails
GK10037 Annexin V-FITC/PI Apoptosis Kit - 20assays $45.00 Cell Apoptosis Detection
GK10038 Annexin V-Cy5/SYTOX Green Apoptosis Detection Kit - 20assays $70.00 Cell Apoptosis Detection
GK10030 Live-Dead Cell Staining Kit - 500T $60.00 Live and Dead Cell Detection
GK10034 2×Taq PCR Master Mix (with blue dye) - 1ml $7.00 PCR & qPCR
GK10035 2×Taq PCR Super Fast Mix (with blue dye) - 1ml $11.00 PCR & qPCR
GK10036 2×Taq PCR Fusion-Fast Mix (with blue dye) - 1ml $15.00 PCR & qPCR
GK10002 SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix 23 1ml $26.00 PCR & qPCR
GK10031 SuperFast RT Master Mix for qPCR (gDNA remover) - 50 rxns $65.00 RT-PCR
GK10033 Ultra One Step Cloning Kit - 20 rxns $56.00 Vector Construction
GK10005 Phos-tag Acrylamide - 5mg $280.00 Protein Phosphorylation Detection
GK10006 Phos-tag Biotin BTL-104 1 5mg $255.00 Protein Phosphorylation Detection
GK10023 RIPA Lysis Buffer (Strong) 6 100ml $21.00 Protein Sample Preparation
GK10024 RIPA Lysis Buffer (Medium) 4 100ml $21.00 Protein Sample Preparation
GK10025 RIPA Lysis Buffer (Weak) 2 100ml $21.00 Protein Sample Preparation
GK10028 Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Protein Extraction Kit - 50T $50.00 Protein Sample Preparation
GK10009 BCA Protein Assay Kit 82 500T $25.00 Protein Quantification and Staining
GK10027 Bradford Protein Quantification Kit - 125mL * 2 (1000T) $15.00 Protein Quantification and Staining
GK10026 Coomassie Blue Fast Staining Solution - 125mL * 2 $40.00 Protein Quantification and Staining
GK10029 Dual Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit - 100T $120.00 Reporter Gene Testing
GK20002 Gsafe Red plus (10000× in ddH₂O) 9 500uL $60.00 Non-toxic Nucleic Acid Dye
GK20003 Gsafe Green plus (10000× in ddH₂O) - 500uL $60.00 Non-toxic Nucleic Acid Dye
GK20005 GMax™ Liposome2000 Transfection Reagent 11 0.75mL $200.00 Transfection reagent
GK20006 GMax™ Liposome3000 Transfection Reagent 16 0.25mL $150.00 Transfection reagent
GK20007 GMax™ LiposomeRNA Transfection Reagent - 0.5mL $350.00 Transfection reagent
GK20008 TRIzol Reagent 31 100ml $100.00 RNA Extraction
GK20010 TRIzol NC Reagent - 100 rxns $100.00 RNA Extraction
GK20009 TRIzol LS Reagent 3 100ml $140.00 RNA Extraction