الصفحة الرئيسية >> Signaling Pathways >> GPCR/G protein >> GPR139


GPR139 (G protein-coupled receptor 139) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the GPR139 gene. GPR139 is an orphan G-protein–coupled receptor expressed in the central nervous system.

The expression pattern of GPR139 has primarily been studied on the mRNA level and showed expression mainly in the central nervous system.

GPR139 is an orphan receptor identified from bioinformatics analysis of the human genome. GPR139 is thus a potential target for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, obesity, eating disorders, and/or diabetes.

The GPR139 is expressed specifically in the brain in areas of relevance for motor control. GPR139 function and signal transduction pathways are elusive, and results in the literature are even contradictory. GPR139 agonists dose-dependently protect primary dopaminergic (DA) neurons against MPP+ toxicity.

أهداف لـ نبسب؛ GPR139

منتجات لـ نبسب؛ GPR139

  1. القط. رقم اسم المنتج بيانات
  2. GC71095 GPR139 agonist-2 GPR139 agonist-2 (المركب 20a) هو ناهض قوي GPR139 مع EC50 من 24.7 نانومتر. GPR139 agonist-2  Chemical Structure
  3. GC19209 JNJ-63533054 JNJ-63533054 هو محفز قوي وانتقائي للجين GPR139 البشري مع EC50 = 16nM JNJ-63533054  Chemical Structure
  4. GC69400 LP-471756

    LP-471756 هو مضاد فعال لمستقبل GPR139 ، وقيمة IC50 الخاصة به هي 640 نانومتر. يثبط LP-471756 إنتاج cAMP المحفز بواسطة LP-360924.

    LP-471756  Chemical Structure
  5. GC66431 NCRW0005-F05 NCRW0005-F05 هو ناهض GPR139 قوي بقيمة IC50 تبلغ 0.21 μ ؛ M. يمكن استخدام NCRW0005-F05 للبحث في مرض السكري والسمنة ومرض باركنسون ' ؛ ق. NCRW0005-F05  Chemical Structure

4 عنصر (عناصر)

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