الصفحة الرئيسية>>Analytical Standards>>Prostaglandin E1-d4

Prostaglandin E1-d4 (Synonyms: Alprostadild4, PGE1d4)

رقم الكتالوجGC47991

An internal standard for the quantification of prostaglandin E1

Products are for research use only. Not for human use. We do not sell to patients.

Prostaglandin E1-d4 التركيب الكيميائي

Cas No.: 211105-33-8

الحجم السعر المخزون الكميّة
50 μg
100 μg
500 μg

Tel:(909) 407-4943 Email: sales@glpbio.com

مراجعات العميل

بناء على آراء العملاء.

  • GlpBio Citations

    GlpBio Citations
  • Bioactive Compounds Premium Provider

    Bioactive Compounds Premium Provider

Sample solution is provided at 25 µL, 10mM.

Description Chemical Properties Product Documents

Prostaglandin E1-d4 (PGE1-d4) contains four deuterium atoms at the 3, 3', 4, and 4' positions. It is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of PGE1 by GC- or LC-mass spectrometry. PGE1 is the theoretical cyclooxygenase metabolite of dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (DGLA), but it is virtually undetectable in the plasma of normal humans or other animals.1 Its pharmacology includes vasodilation, hypotension, and anti-platelet activities. The IC50 of PGE1 for the inhibition of ADP-induced human platelet aggregation is 40 nM.2,3 The vasorelaxant and anti-hypertensive effects of PGE1 are used to treat male erectile dysfunction and to provide emergency vasodilation of the patent ductus arteriosus in infants whose cardiac anomalies require pulmonary shunting for survival.4,5 In human males, the intracavernosal effective dose range for PGE1 is 2 to 80 µg, and the transurethral range is 125 to 1,000 µg.4

1.Cawello, W., Schweer, H., Dietrich, B., et al.Pharmacokinetics of prostaglandin E1 and its main metabolites after intracavernous injection and short-term infusion of prostaglandin E1 in patients with erectile dysfunctionJournal of Urology1581403-1407(1997) 2.Kobzar, G., Mardla, V., JÄrving, I., et al.Antiaggregating potency of E-type prostaglandins in human and rabbit plateletsProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences.Chemistry40179-180(1991) 3.Okada, F., Nukada, T., Yamauchi, Y., et al.The hypotensive effect of prostaglandin E1 on hypertensive cases of various typesProstaglandins799-106(1974) 4.Padma-Nathan, H., Hellstrom, W.J.G., Kaiser, F.E., et al.Treatment of men with erectile dysfunction with transurethral alprostadilNew England Journal of Medicine3361-7(1997) 5.Olley, P.M., and Coceani, F.Prostaglandins and the ductus arteriosusAnnual Reviews of Medicine32375-3785(1981)


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