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Natural Products

منتجات لـ نبسب؛ Natural Products

  1. القط. رقم اسم المنتج بيانات
  2. GC20029 L(-)-Borneol  L(-)-Borneol  Chemical Structure
  3. GC49335 α-Guaiene A sesquiterpene α-Guaiene  Chemical Structure
  4. GC37977 α-L-Rhamnose monohydrate α ؛ -L-Rhamnose monohydrate هو أحد مكونات جدار الخلية النباتية السكريات البكتيرية rhamnogalacturonan I و rhamnogalacturonan II. α-L-Rhamnose monohydrate  Chemical Structure
  5. GC41499 α-Phellandrene

    p-Mentha-1,5-diene, (±)-α-Phellandrene

    α-Phellandrene is a cyclic monoterpene that has been found in various plants, including Cannabis, and has diverse biological activities. α-Phellandrene  Chemical Structure
  6. GC37981 β,β-Dimethylacrylalkannin β ؛ ، β ؛ -ديميثيل أكريللكانين (Arnebin 1) هو نابثوكينون معزول من Arnebia nobilis Reichb. β,β-Dimethylacrylalkannin  Chemical Structure
  7. GC37982 β,β-Dimethylacrylshikonin β ؛ ، β ؛ -Dimethylacrylshikonin (Isoarnebin I) هو مشتق من naphthoquinone معزول عن Arnebia nobilis ، ويعزز تكوين الأوعية عن طريق تحفيز تعبير eNOS و VEGF و HIF-1α من خلال 2211.22246 المعتمد على HIF-1α نشاط. β,β-Dimethylacrylshikonin  Chemical Structure
  8. GC49467 β-Aescin A triterpenoid saponin with diverse biological activities β-Aescin  Chemical Structure
  9. GC40574 β-Asarone


    β ؛ -Aarone هو مكون رئيسي من Acorus tatarinowii Schott ، يخترق حاجز الدم في الدماغ ، مع خصائص تثبيط المناعة ، تثبيط الجهاز العصبي المركزي ، التخدير ، وانخفاض درجة الحرارة. β-Asarone  Chemical Structure
  10. GC48920 β-Carboline-1-carboxylic Acid

    1-Formic Acid-β-carboline

    An alkaloid with diverse biological activities β-Carboline-1-carboxylic Acid  Chemical Structure
  11. GC40789 β-Cembrenediol


    β-Cembrenediol (β-CBT) is a natural product from tobacco plants that is found in cigarette smoke condensate. β-Cembrenediol  Chemical Structure
  12. GC48303 β-hydroxy Pyruvic Acid (lithium salt hydrate)

    3-hydroxy-2-Oxopropanoic acid, 3-hydroxy Pyruvic Acid

    A metabolite in the process of photorespiration β-hydroxy Pyruvic Acid (lithium salt hydrate)  Chemical Structure
  13. GC41502 β-Myrcene

    NSC 406264

    β ؛ -Myrcene (β-β ؛ -Myrcene) ، مركب عطري متطاير ، يمنع نشاط NF-B الناجم عن TNFα. β-Myrcene  Chemical Structure
  14. GC72061 β-Phellandrene β-Phellandrene يتم الحصول عليه من Carum البتروسيلينوم. β-Phellandrene  Chemical Structure
  15. GC45604 β-Rubromycin β ؛ -Rubromycin هو مثبط قوي وانتقائي لفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية -1 (HIV-1) بوليميرا الحمض النووي الريبي الموجه (النسخ العكسي). β-Rubromycin  Chemical Structure
  16. GC52279 δ4(8)-iso-THC


    An Analytical Reference Standard δ4(8)-iso-THC  Chemical Structure
  17. GC48315 δ5-Avenasterol

    24-ethylidene Cholesterol

    δ ؛ 5-أفينستيرول ، ينتمي إلى مكونات حبوب الشوفان ، يعرض فعالية مضادات الأكسدة. δ5-Avenasterol  Chemical Structure
  18. GC48317 δ7-Avenasterol A phytosterol that has antioxidant activities δ7-Avenasterol  Chemical Structure
  19. GC49795 δ8-iso-THC

    Δ8-Isotetrahydrocannabinol, Δ8-3,4-trans-Isotetrahydrocannabinol, Δ8(9)-Isotetrahydrocannabinol, trans-Δ8-Isotetrahydrocannabinol

    An Analytical Reference Standard δ8-iso-THC  Chemical Structure
  20. GC90421 δ8-Tetrahydrocannabiorcol

    معيار مرجعي تحليلي

    δ8-Tetrahydrocannabiorcol  Chemical Structure
  21. GC49796 δ8-THC Acetate (exempt preparation)

    Δ8-Tetrahydrocannabinol Acetate, Δ8-THC-O Acetate

    An Analytical Reference Standard δ8-THC Acetate (exempt preparation)  Chemical Structure
  22. GC91071 δ8-THC Glucuronide

    معيار مرجعي تحليلي

    δ8-THC Glucuronide  Chemical Structure
  23. GC52098 δ8-THC methyl ether

    1-methyl-Δ8-THC, 1-O-methyl-Δ8-THC, Methyl-Δ8-Tetrahydrocannabinol, Δ8-Tetrahydrocannabinol methyl ether

    An Analytical Reference Standard δ8-THC methyl ether  Chemical Structure
  24. GC90691 δ8-THC-ethyl

    معيار مرجعي تحليلي

    δ8-THC-ethyl  Chemical Structure
  25. GC52130 δ8-THCB

    8-Tetrahydrocannabinol-C4, 8-Tetrahydrocannabutol, nor-THC, THCB, 8-THC-butyl, 8-THC-C4

    δ8-THCB  Chemical Structure
  26. GC52249 δ8-THCH

    4’-hexyl-Δ1(6)-Tetrahydrocannabinol, Δ8-Tetrahydrocannabihexol, Δ8-Tetrahydrocannabinol-C6, Δ8-THC-C6, n-hexyl-Δ8-Tetrahydrocannabinol, n-hexyl-Δ8-THC

    An Analytical Reference Standard δ8-THCH  Chemical Structure
  27. GC91400 δ8-THCPA-A

    δ8-Tetrahydrocannabiphorolic Acid; (-)-trans8-THCPA

    δ8-THCPA-A هو معيار مرجعي تحليلي يشبه بنية الفايتوكانابينويدات المعروفة.

    δ8-THCPA-A  Chemical Structure
  28. GC90373 δ8-THCQ

    معيار مرجعي تحليلي

    δ8-THCQ  Chemical Structure
  29. GC90349 δ8-THCVA-A

    معيار مرجعي تحليلي

    δ8-THCVA-A  Chemical Structure
  30. GC90422 δ9-Tetrahydrocannabiorcol

    معيار مرجعي تحليلي

    δ9-Tetrahydrocannabiorcol  Chemical Structure
  31. GC91211 δ9-THC Glucuronide

    معيار مرجعي تحليلي

    δ9-THC Glucuronide  Chemical Structure
  32. GC52108 δ9-THC methyl ether

    Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol methyl ether, O-methyl-Δ9-THC

    An Analytical Reference Standard δ9-THC methyl ether  Chemical Structure
  33. GC52308 δ9-THC-C8

    Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-C8, Δ9-THC-octyl

    An Analytical Reference Standard δ9-THC-C8  Chemical Structure
  34. GC49579 δ9-THC-d9 (CRM)

    Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-d9, Dronabinol-d9

    A Certified Reference Material δ9-THC-d9 (CRM)  Chemical Structure
  35. GC49539 δ9-THC-ethyl

    Δ9-THC-C2, Δ9-THCE

    An Analytical Reference Standard δ9-THC-ethyl  Chemical Structure
  36. GC49641 δ9-THCPA-A (CRM)

    Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabiphorolic Acid, (–)-trans-Δ9-THCPA

    A Certified Reference Material δ9-THCPA-A (CRM)  Chemical Structure
  37. GC90374 δ9-THCQ

    معيار مرجعي تحليلي

    δ9-THCQ  Chemical Structure
  38. GC48532 ε-Rhodomycinone

    NSC 196524

    A bacterial metabolite and precursor to rhodomycin D ε-Rhodomycinone  Chemical Structure
  39. GC45241 ω-Conotoxin GVIA (trifluoroacetate salt) ω-Conotoxin GVIA is a peptide originally isolated from the marine mollusk C. ω-Conotoxin GVIA (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  40. GC45242 ω-Conotoxin MVIIC (trifluoroacetate salt)


    ω-Conotoxin MVIIC is a peptide originally isolated from the marine mollusk C. ω-Conotoxin MVIIC (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  41. GC45713 (±)-α-Tocopherol Acetate

    all-rac-α-Tocopherol Acetate, DL-α-Tocopherol Acetate, DL-Vitamin E acetate

    (±؛) - α؛ -Tocopherol Acetate ((±؛) - أسيتات فيتامين E) ، هو شكل اصطناعي نشط عن طريق الفم من فيتامين E. (±)-α-Tocopherol Acetate  Chemical Structure
  42. GC46313 (±)-α-Tocopherol Acetate-d3

    all-rac-α-Tocopherol Acetate-d3, DL-α-Tocopherol Acetate-d3, DL-Vitamin E Acetate-d3

    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities (±)-α-Tocopherol Acetate-d3  Chemical Structure
  43. GC91678 (±)-δ7-Mesembrenone (±)-Δ-Mesembrenone is an alkaloid that has been found in S. tortuosum. (±)-δ7-Mesembrenone  Chemical Structure
  44. GC48729 (±)-11-hydroxy-δ9-THC (CRM)


    A Certified Reference Material (±)-11-hydroxy-δ9-THC (CRM)  Chemical Structure
  45. GC48709 (±)-11-nor-9-carboxy-δ9-THC (CRM)


    A Certified Reference Material (±)-11-nor-9-carboxy-δ9-THC (CRM)  Chemical Structure
  46. GC41496 (±)-3-Carene


    (± ؛) - 3-Carene هو أحادي التربين ثنائي الحلقات في الزيوت الأساسية المستخرجة من أشجار الصنوبر. (±)-3-Carene  Chemical Structure
  47. GC49588 (±)-9α-hydroxy Hexahydrocannabinol

    (±)-9β-hydroxy HHC

    An Analytical Reference Standard (±)-9α-hydroxy Hexahydrocannabinol  Chemical Structure
  48. GC45277 (±)-Camphene

    DL-Camphene, NSC 4165

      (±)-Camphene  Chemical Structure
  49. GC91386 (±)-Cannabichromebutolic Acid

    (±)-Cannabichromebutolic Acid-C4; (±)-CBCBA; CBC Butolic Acid; CBCA-C4

    (±)-حمض كانابيكرومبوتوليك هو معيار مرجعي تحليلي يشبه بنية الفايتوكانابينوئيدات المعروفة.

    (±)-Cannabichromebutolic Acid  Chemical Structure
  50. GC46275 (±)-Cannabichromene

    CBC, NSC 291831, Pentylcannabichromene

    An Analytical Reference Standard (±)-Cannabichromene  Chemical Structure
  51. GC48750 (±)-Cannabichromene-d9 (CRM)

    CBC-d9, Pentylcannabichromene-d9

    (±)-Cannabichromene-d9 (CRM)  Chemical Structure
  52. GC48678 (±)-Cannabichromenic Acid (CRM)


    A Certified Reference Material (±)-Cannabichromenic Acid (CRM)  Chemical Structure
  53. GC48871 (±)-Cannabichromeorcin (CRM)


    A Certified Reference Material (±)-Cannabichromeorcin (CRM)  Chemical Structure
  54. GC91399 (±)-Cannabichromephorolic Acid

    (±)-Cannabichromenic Acid-C7; Cannabichromephoric Acid; CBCA-C7; (±)-CBCPA

    (±)-حمض كانابيكرومفوروليك هو معيار مرجعي تحليلي يشبه بنية الفايتوكانابينوئيدات المعروفة.

    (±)-Cannabichromephorolic Acid  Chemical Structure
  55. GC48822 (±)-Cannabichromevarin (CRM)

    CBC C-3, CBCV

    A Certified Reference Material (±)-Cannabichromevarin (CRM)  Chemical Structure
  56. GC48733 (±)-Cannabichromevarinic Acid (CRM)


    A Certified Reference Material (±)-Cannabichromevarinic Acid (CRM)  Chemical Structure
  57. GC46277 (±)-Cannabicyclol


    An Analytical Reference Material (±)-Cannabicyclol  Chemical Structure
  58. GC48768 (±)-Cannabicyclol (CRM)


    A Certified Reference Material (±)-Cannabicyclol (CRM)  Chemical Structure
  59. GC49615 (±)-Cannabicyclolic Acid (CRM)


    A Certified Reference Material (±)-Cannabicyclolic Acid (CRM)  Chemical Structure
  60. GC48799 (±)-CBCB

    CBC-Butyl, CBC-C4, nor-Cannabichromene, nor-CBC-C4

    An Analytical Reference Standard (±)-CBCB  Chemical Structure
  61. GC52433 (±)-CBCH

    Cannabichromehexol, CBC-C6

    An Analytical Reference Standard (±)-CBCH  Chemical Structure
  62. GC49846 (±)-CBCP

    (±)-Cannabichromephorol, CBC-C7, CBD-Heptyl

    An Analytical Reference Standard (±)-CBCP  Chemical Structure
  63. GC46278 (±)-CBCQ


    An Analytical Reference Standard (±)-CBCQ  Chemical Structure
  64. GC90465 (±)-cis-δ9-THC (exempt preparation)

    معيار مرجعي تحليلي

    (±)-cis-δ9-THC (exempt preparation)  Chemical Structure
  65. GC61714 (±)-Dihydroactinidiolide (± ؛) - تم عزل ثنائي هيدروأكتينيديوليد ، وهو مركب عطري مهم للشاي الأسود والتبغ ، من عدة نباتات. (±)-Dihydroactinidiolide  Chemical Structure
  66. GC41669 (±)-Enterolactone


    (± ؛) - Enterolactone هو مستقلب الفينول النشط بيولوجيًا يُعرف باسم قشور الثدييات المشتق من قشور الغذاء. (±؛) - يحتوي Enterolactone على خصائص استروجينية ونشاط مضاد لسرطان الثدي. (±؛) - Enterolactone هو محسس إشعاعي لخطوط خلايا سرطان الثدي البشرية من خلال ضعف إصلاح الحمض النووي وزيادة موت الخلايا المبرمج. (±)-Enterolactone  Chemical Structure
  67. GC46288 (±)-Epibatidine (hydrochloride)

    CMI 545 dihydrochloride

    An agonist of α4β2 subunit-containing nAChRs (±)-Epibatidine (hydrochloride)  Chemical Structure
  68. GC45882 (±)-Jasmonic Acid-d5 A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities (±)-Jasmonic Acid-d5  Chemical Structure
  69. GC91298 (±)-Linalool-d3

    معيار داخلي لتحديد كمية (±)-linalool

    (±)-Linalool-d3  Chemical Structure
  70. GC46305 (±)-Nicotine-d3

    DL-Nicotine-d3, (±)-Nicotine-methyl-d3

    An internal standard for the quantification of (±)-nicotine (±)-Nicotine-d3  Chemical Structure
  71. GC49510 (±)-Tuberonic Acid

    12-hydroxy Jasmonic Acid, 12-hydroxy epi-Jasmonic Acid

    A derivative of jasmonic acid (±)-Tuberonic Acid  Chemical Structure
  72. GC41664 (±)7-epi Jasmonic Acid

    2iso Jasmonic Acid, 7iso Jasmonic Acid

    (±)-7-epi Jasmonic acid is the major metabolite of the 12-oxo phytodienoic acid pathway of the metabolism of 13(S)-hydroperoxy linolenic acid in plants.

    (±)7-epi Jasmonic Acid  Chemical Structure
  73. GC91571 (±)8-Amino-7-Oxononanoic Acid (hydrochloride)


    (±)8-Amino-7-Oxononanoic acid ((±)8-KAPA) is a racemic mixture of 8(R)-KAPA and the vitamer of biotin 8(S)-KAPA . (±)8-Amino-7-Oxononanoic Acid (hydrochloride)  Chemical Structure
  74. GC46000 (•)-Drimenol

    NSC 169775

    A sesquiterpene alcohol (•)-Drimenol  Chemical Structure
  75. GN10155 (+)- Corydaline

    (+)-Corydaline, D-Corydaline, NSC 406036

    (+)- Corydaline  Chemical Structure
  76. GN10612 (+)- Praeruptorin C (+)- Praeruptorin C  Chemical Structure
  77. GC49268 (+)-δ-Cadinene A sesquiterpene with antimicrobial and anticancer activities (+)-δ-Cadinene  Chemical Structure
  78. GC45254 (+)-2,5-epi Goniothalesdiol Goniothalesdiol, isolated from the bark of the Malaysian tree G. (+)-2,5-epi Goniothalesdiol  Chemical Structure
  79. GC41505 (+)-3-Carene


    (+) - 3-Carene ، أحادي التربين ثنائي الحلقات ، هو أحد المكونات الرئيسية للزيوت الأساسية لشجرة الصنوبر (+)-3-Carene  Chemical Structure
  80. GC45890 (+)-Abscisic Acid-d6

    (S)​-​(+)​-​Abscisic acid-d6; ABA-d6

    (+) - حمض الأبسيسيك- d6 (ABA-d6) هو حمض الديوتيريوم المسمى حمض الأبسيسيك. (+)-Abscisic Acid-d6  Chemical Structure
  81. GC48566 (+)-Anominine


    A fungal metabolite (+)-Anominine  Chemical Structure
  82. GN10745 (+)-Bicuculline

    NSC 32192

    (+)-بيكوكولين هو خصم تنافسي حساس للضوء لمستقبلات GABA-A.

    (+)-Bicuculline  Chemical Structure
  83. GN10605 (+)-Catechin hydrate

    D-(+)-Catechin, Catechuic Acid, Cyanidol

    (+)-Catechin hydrate  Chemical Structure
  84. GC41346 (+)-Cedrol (+)-Cedrol is a sesquiterpene alcohol that has been used in Cannabis testing and has diverse biological activities. (+)-Cedrol  Chemical Structure
  85. GC91069 (+)-cis-Cannabidiol

    معيار مرجعي تحليلي

    (+)-cis-Cannabidiol  Chemical Structure
  86. GN10654 (+)-Corynoline

    (+)-Corynoline, 13-methyl-Chelidonine, CRL, (d)-Corynoline

    (+)-Corynoline  Chemical Structure
  87. GC46037 (+)-Epoxysuberosin


    A coumarin (+)-Epoxysuberosin  Chemical Structure
  88. GC70332 (+)-Erinacin A (+)-Erinacin A هو مركب مضاد للسرطان الذي يمكن عزله من فطر Hericium erinaceum. (+)-Erinacin A  Chemical Structure
  89. GC40671 (+)-Fenchol

    endo-(+)-Fenchyl Alcohol, (1R)-endo-(+)-Fenchyl Alcohol, (+)-α-Fenchol, D-Fenchyl Alcohol, 1,3,3-Trimethyl-2-norbornanol

    (+)-Fenchol is a monoterpenoid that has been found in plants, including Cannabis. (+)-Fenchol  Chemical Structure
  90. GC40280 (+)-Gallocatechin

    NSC 674038

    (+) - Gallocatechin هو مركب بوليفينول من الشاي الأخضر ، يمتلك نشاطًا مضادًا للسرطان (+)-Gallocatechin  Chemical Structure
  91. GC45264 (+)-Geodin (+) -جيودين ، مستقلب فطري ، يظهر نشاطًا مضادًا للبكتيريا. (+)-Geodin  Chemical Structure
  92. GC45265 (+)-Goniothalesdiol (+)-Goniothalesdiol, isolated from the bark of the Malaysian tree G. (+)-Goniothalesdiol  Chemical Structure
  93. GC49109 (+)-Ledene


    A terpene (+)-Ledene  Chemical Structure
  94. GC46250 (+)-Lupanine (perchlorate) An alkaloid (+)-Lupanine (perchlorate)  Chemical Structure
  95. GC45266 (+)-Macrosphelide A (+) -Macrosphelide A هو مضاد حيوي لماكرولايد. (+)-Macrosphelide A  Chemical Structure
  96. GC40903 (+)-Nootkatone (+) - Nootkatone ، عامل وقائي للأعصاب من Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fructus ، له تأثيرات مضادة للأكسدة ومضادة للالتهابات. (+)-Nootkatone  Chemical Structure
  97. GC45268 (+)-Oxanthromicin

    (+)-Oxanthromicin is an enantiomer of the rare Streptomyces metabolite (-)-oxanthromicin.

    (+)-Oxanthromicin  Chemical Structure
  98. GC38093 (+)-Peusedanol (+) - Peusedanol هو الكومارين المعزول من Peucedanumjaponicum (+)-Peusedanol  Chemical Structure
  99. GN10694 (+)-Piresil-4-O-beta-D-glucopyraside (+)-Piresil-4-O-beta-D-glucopyraside  Chemical Structure
  100. GC40727 (+)-Quinolactacin A1 (+) -كينولاكتاسين A1 هو مثبط قوي لأسيتيل كولينستراز (AChE) من تخمير الحالة الصلبة للبنسليوم السترينوم 90648. (+)-Quinolactacin A1  Chemical Structure
  101. GC18749 (+)-Rugulosin

    NSC 160880, NSC 249990, Rugulosin A

    (+) -Rugulosin هي مادة تلوين بلورية من Penicillium rugulosum Thom. (+)-Rugulosin  Chemical Structure

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