الصفحة الرئيسية>>Signaling Pathways>> Neuroscience>> Histamine Receptor>>Betazole


رقم الكتالوجGC61539

بيتازول (أميتازول) ، نظير بيرازول للهستامين ، هو ناهض لمستقبلات الهيستامين H2 النشط عن طريق الفم

Products are for research use only. Not for human use. We do not sell to patients.

Betazole التركيب الكيميائي

Cas No.: 105-20-4

الحجم السعر المخزون الكميّة
10 mg
50 mg

Tel:(909) 407-4943 Email: sales@glpbio.com

مراجعات العميل

بناء على آراء العملاء.

  • GlpBio Citations

    GlpBio Citations
  • Bioactive Compounds Premium Provider

    Bioactive Compounds Premium Provider

Sample solution is provided at 25 µL, 10mM.

Description Chemical Properties Product Documents Related Products

Betazole (Ametazole), a pyrazole analogue of histamine, is an orally active histamine H2 receptor agonist. Betazole induces gastric acid secretion and causes an immediate and significant increase in common bile duct pressure. Betazole is used as a diagnostic agent known as histalog for investigating gastric acid secretory capacity[1][2][3].

Betazole (Ametazole) is a weak histamine agonist with relative selectivity towards H2 receptors and only minimal H1 activity. Betazole induces gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) secretion[1].

[1]. Maples MD, Effects of betazole hydrochloride and cimetidine on common bile pressure and duodenal myoelectric activity in the dog. Am Surg. 1981;47(12):519-521. [2]. Spitz IM, Betazole-induced GIP secretion is not mediated by gastric HCl. Metabolism. 1982;31(4):380-382. [3]. CLAYMAN CB,. A simple oral gastric secretory stimulant (betazole hydrochloride). JAMA. 1961;175:908-909.


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