Startseite>>Signaling Pathways>> Microbiology & Virology>> Bacterial>>Thonzonium Bromide

Thonzonium Bromide (Synonyms: NC 1264)


Thonzoniumbromid ist ein antibakterielles Mittel, das Farnesol strukturell Ähnlich ist.

Products are for research use only. Not for human use. We do not sell to patients.

Thonzonium Bromide Chemische Struktur

Cas No.: 553-08-2

Größe Preis Lagerbestand Menge
10mM (in 1mL DMSO)
50,00 $
Auf Lager
45,00 $
Auf Lager
198,00 $
Auf Lager

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  • GlpBio Citations

    GlpBio Citations
  • Bioactive Compounds Premium Provider

    Bioactive Compounds Premium Provider

Sample solution is provided at 25 µL, 10mM.

Description Protocol Chemical Properties Product Documents Related Products

Thonzonium Bromide is a surface active agent and an inhibitor of V-ATPase proton transport with EC50 value of 69 µM [1] [2].

Vacuolar ATPases (V-ATPases) are proton pumps that maintain pH homeostasis. V-ATPases couple the energy of ATP hydrolysis to proton transport across intracellular membranes [2].

Thonzonium Bromide is a surface active agent and an inhibitor of V-ATPase proton transport. In wild-type yeast cells, thonzonium bromide significantly decreased the cytosolic pH to 6.22. In vacuolar membrane vesicles, thonzonium bromide inhibited proton transport with EC50 value of 69 µM in a dose-dependent way. However, thonzonium bromide didn’t inhibit ATP hydrolysis, which suggested that thonzonium bromide uncoupled V-ATPase proton pumps. In wild-type yeast cells, thonzonium bromide (1 µM) didn’t inhibit cell growth. However, thonzonium bromide inhibited cell growth at 10 µM and caused a mild vma (vacuolar membrane ATPase) mutant growth phenotype. At concentrations up to 50 and 100 µM, thonzonium bromide completely inhibited yeast growth [2].

[1].  Chafetz L, Greenough RC, Frank J. Thermal decomposition of thonzonium bromide. Pharm Res, 1986, 3(5): 298-301.
[2].  Chan CY, Prudom C, Raines SM, et al. Inhibitors of V-ATPase proton transport reveal uncoupling functions of tether linking cytosolic and membrane domains of V0 subunit a (Vph1p). J Biol Chem, 2012, 287(13): 10236-10250.


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