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Proteases is a general term for a class of enzymes that hydrolyze protein peptide chains. According to the way they degrade polypeptides, they are divided into two categories: endopeptidases and telopeptidases. The former can cut the large molecular weight polypeptide chain from the middle to form prions and peptones with smaller molecular weights; the latter can be divided into carboxypeptidase and aminopeptidase, which respectively remove the peptide from the free carboxyl terminus or free amino terminus of the polypeptide one by one. Chain hydrolysis produces amino acids.

A general term for a class of enzymes that hydrolyze peptide bonds in proteins. According to the way they hydrolyze polypeptides, they can be divided into endopeptidases and exopeptidases. Endopeptidase cleaves the interior of the protein molecule to form smaller molecular weight peptones and peptones. Exopeptidase hydrolyzes peptide bonds one by one from the end of the free amino group or carboxyl group of protein molecules, and frees amino acids, the former is aminopeptidase and the latter is carboxypeptidase. Proteases can be classified into serine proteases, sulfhydryl proteases, metalloproteases and aspartic proteases according to their active centers and optimum pH. According to the optimum pH value of its reaction, it is divided into acidic protease, neutral protease and alkaline protease. The proteases used in industrial production are mainly endopeptidases.

Proteases are widely found in animal offal, plant stems and leaves, fruits and microorganisms. Microbial proteases are mainly produced by molds and bacteria, followed by yeast and actinomycetes.

Enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of proteins. There are many kinds, the important ones are pepsin, trypsin, cathepsin, papain and subtilisin. Proteases have strict selectivity for the reaction substrates they act on. A protease can only act on certain peptide bonds in protein molecules, such as the peptide bonds formed by the hydrolysis of basic amino acids catalyzed by trypsin. Proteases are widely distributed, mainly in the digestive tract of humans and animals, and are abundant in plants and microorganisms. Due to limited animal and plant resources, the industrial production of protease preparations is mainly prepared by fermentation of microorganisms such as Bacillus subtilis and Aspergillus terrestris.

Targets for  Proteases

Products for  Proteases

  1. Cat.No. Nombre del producto Información
  2. GC19941 DL-Leucic Acid  DL-Leucic Acid  Chemical Structure
  3. GC11282 β-Estradiol

    β-Estradiol, Estradiol, 17β-Oestradiol, E2

    Hormona sexual

     β-Estradiol  Chemical Structure
  4. GC71814 α-1-3,4 Fucosyltransferase, helicobacter pylori

    α-1-3,4 Fucosyltransferase (α1,3/4FucT) (EC (Hp3/4FT) can be found in Helicobacter pylori.

    α-1-3,4 Fucosyltransferase, helicobacter pylori  Chemical Structure
  5. GC71815 α-2,3-Sialyltransferase, pasteurella multocida α-2,3-Sialyltransferase, pasteurella multocida es un beta-galactósido. α-2,3-Sialyltransferase, pasteurella multocida  Chemical Structure
  6. GC41183 α-Carotene


    α-El caroteno, precursor de la vitamina A, se utiliza como agente antimetastÁsico o como adyuvante de fÁrmacos contra el cÁncer. α-El caroteno se aÍsla de vegetales de color amarillo-naranja y verde oscuro. α-Carotene  Chemical Structure
  7. GC45208 α-hydroxy Metoprolol α-hydroxy Metoprolol is an active metabolite of the β1-adrenergic receptor blocker metoprolol. α-hydroxy Metoprolol  Chemical Structure
  8. GC72837 α-Hydroxyglutaric acid-d4 disodium

    2-Hydroxyglutarate-d4 disodium; 2-Hydroxyglutaric acid-d4 disodium; 2-Hydroxypentanedioic acid-d4 disodium

    α-Hydroxyglutaric acid-d4 disodium es el deuterio etiquetado como ácido dissó-droxiglutári. α-Hydroxyglutaric acid-d4 disodium  Chemical Structure
  9. GC48948 α-Ketoglutaric Acid (sodium salt)

    α-KGA, 2-Oxoglutaric Acid

    α-El Ácido cetoglutÁrico (sal de sodio) (Ácido alfa-cetoglutÁrico sÓdico) es un intermediario en la producciÓn de ATP o GTP en el ciclo de Krebs. α-Ketoglutaric Acid (sodium salt)  Chemical Structure
  10. GC40718 α-Muricholic Acid

    5β-Cholanic Acid-3α,6β,7α-triol

    α-El Ácido muricÓlico es el Ácido biliar primario mÁs abundante en roedores. α-Muricholic Acid  Chemical Structure
  11. GC40480 α-Phenyl-α-(2-pyridyl)acetonitrile

    NSC 16276, 2-Pyridylphenylacetonitrile

    α-Phenyl-α-(2-pyridyl)thioacetamide, also known as antigastrin and SC-15396, is an inhibitor of gastric acid secretion. α-Phenyl-α-(2-pyridyl)acetonitrile  Chemical Structure
  12. GC38287 α-Pyridone α-La piridona es un metabolito endógeno. α-Pyridone  Chemical Structure
  13. GC71810 β-1,4-Galactosyltransferase, neisseria meningitides β-1,4-Galactosyltransferase, neisseria meningitides se utiliza a menudo en estudios bioquímicos. β-1,4-Galactosyltransferase, neisseria meningitides  Chemical Structure
  14. GC45226 β-BHC

    β-HCH, β-Hexachlorocyclohexane, β-Lindane

    β-BHC is an isomer of the organochlorine pesticide γ-lindane that is a potential impurity found in commercial preparations of lindane. β-BHC  Chemical Structure
  15. GC38000 β-Boswellic acid β-El ácido boswélico se aísla de la resina de goma del serrado de Boswellia. β-El ácido boswélico es un inhibidor de tipo no reductor de la formación del producto 5-lipoxigenasa (5-LO) que interactúa directamente con la 5-LO o bloquea su translocación . β-El ácido boswélico inhibe la síntesis de ADN, ARN y proteína en células de leucemia humana HL-60. β-Boswellic acid  Chemical Structure
  16. GC71980 β-Caryophyllene-d2 β-Caryophyllene-d2 es deuterio etiquetado como − -cariofileno. β-Caryophyllene-d2  Chemical Structure
  17. GC63275 β-Cryptoxanthin β-Criptoxantina ((3R)-&2#946;-Criptoxantina), aislada de la mandarina Satsuma, es un carotenoide oxigenado y un potente antioxidante. β-Cryptoxanthin  Chemical Structure
  18. GC40777 β-D-Glucose

    NSC 287045

    D-Glucose, a naturally occurring monosaccharide found in plants, is the primary energy source for living organisms.

    β-D-Glucose  Chemical Structure
  19. GC66842 β-Methylcrotonyl coenzyme A lithium β-Metilcrotonil coenzima A litio es un intermediario en el metabolismo de la leucina y se puede utilizar como sustrato para estudiar la especificidad y la cinética de β-metilcrotonil coenzima A carboxilasa (MCCase). β-Methylcrotonyl coenzyme A lithium  Chemical Structure
  20. GC40719 β-Muricholic Acid

    5β-Cholanic Acid-3α,6β,7β-triol, β-MCA

    Un ácido biliar primario específico de ratones.

    β-Muricholic Acid  Chemical Structure
  21. GC67484 β-Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide reduced dipotassium β-Nicotinamida adenina dinucleótido dipotásico reducido es una coenzima reducida activa por vía oral. β-Nicotinamida adenina dinucleótido dipotásico reducido es un donante de unidades de ADP-ribosa en reacciones de ADP-ribosilación y un precursor de ADP-ribosa cíclica. β-Nicotinamida adenina dinucleótido reducido dipotásico juega un papel como donante de electrones regenerativo en el metabolismo energético celular, incluyendo la glucólisis, β-oxidación y el ciclo del ácido tricarboxílico (TCA). β-Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide reduced dipotassium  Chemical Structure
  22. GC70185 β-Sitostenone

    δ4-Sitosterol-3-one; β-Rosasterol oxide

    β-Sitostenone es un esterol aislado de Cochlospermum vitifolium. Puede inhibir la actividad de la tirosinasa y tiene propiedades anti-melanogénicas y antitumorales.

    β-Sitostenone  Chemical Structure
  23. GC38010 γ-Aminobutyric acid γ-Aminobutyric acid  Chemical Structure
  24. GC63279 γ-Glu-Gly TFA γ-Glu-Gly TFA  Chemical Structure
  25. GC38011 γ-Secretase modulator 4 γ-Secretase modulator 4  Chemical Structure
  26. GC66048 δ-Secretase inhibitor 11 δ-El inhibidor de secretasa 11 (compuesto 11) es un inhibidor de secretasa oralmente activo, potente, penetrado por BBB, no tÓxico, selectivo y especÍfico, con un IC50 de 0,7 μM. δ-El inhibidor de secretasa 11 interactÚa tanto con el sitio activo como con el sitio alostérico de δ-secretasa. δ-El inhibidor de secretasa 11 atenÚa la escisiÓn de tau y APP (proteÍna precursora de amiloide). δ-El inhibidor de secretasa 11 mejora la disfunciÓn sinÁptica y los deterioros cognitivos en modelos de ratones transgénicos tau P301S y 5XFAD. δ-El inhibidor de secretasa 11 puede usarse para la investigaciÓn de la enfermedad de Alzheimer's. δ-Secretase inhibitor 11  Chemical Structure
  27. GC15975 α-Estradiol

    Alfatradiol, α-Estradiol, 17-epi Estradiol, NSC 20293, 17α-Oestradiol

    α-El estradiol es un estrÓgeno débil y un 5&7#945;-inhibidor de la reductasa que se usa como medicamento tÓpico en el tratamiento de la alopecia androgénica. α-Estradiol  Chemical Structure
  28. GC30187 γ-Glu-Phe (γ-Glutamylphenylalanine)


    γ-Glu-Phe (γ-Glutamilfenilalanina) (γ-Glutamilfenilalanina) es sintetizada por Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (GBA) y Aspergillus oryzae (GAO). γ-Glu-Phe (γ-Glutamylphenylalanine)  Chemical Structure
  29. GC41552 ω-3 Arachidonic Acid

    ω3 AA

    ω-3 Arachidonic acid is a rare PUFA found in trace amounts in dietary sources. ω-3 Arachidonic Acid  Chemical Structure
  30. GC40259 (±)-β-Tocopherol

    DL-β-Tocopherol, rac-β-Tocopherol

    (±)-β-Tocopherol is a lipid-soluble form of vitamin E with antioxidant activity. (±)-β-Tocopherol  Chemical Structure
  31. GC40260 (±)-γ-Tocopherol

    7,8-Dimethyltocol, all-rac-γ-Tocopherol, DL-γ-Tocopherol

    (±)-γ-Tocopherol is a form of vitamin E with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. (±)-γ-Tocopherol  Chemical Structure
  32. GC41661 (±)-4-hydroxy Propranolol β-D-Glucuronide (±)-4-hydroxy Propranolol β-D-glucuronide is a metabolite of (±)-4-hydroxy propranolol, which is a metabolite of propranolol. (±)-4-hydroxy Propranolol β-D-Glucuronide  Chemical Structure
  33. GC34961 (±)-BI-D (±)-BI-D es un potente ALLINI (un inhibidor alostérico de IN) que se une a la integrasa en el sitio de unión de LEDGF/p75. (±)-BI-D  Chemical Structure
  34. GC46284 (±)-Cotinine-d3 An internal standard for the quantification of cotinine (±)-Cotinine-d3  Chemical Structure
  35. GC41670 (±)-Epinephrine (hydrochloride)

    (±)-Adrenaline, DL-Adrenaline, DL-Epinephrine

    (±)-Epinephrine is a natural neurotransmitter that is released from the adrenal medulla and activates adrenoceptors (Kis = 15, 735, and 3,970 nM for α1A-, β2-, and β1-adrenergic receptors, respectively). (±)-Epinephrine (hydrochloride)  Chemical Structure
  36. GC41671 (±)-Equol 4'-sulfate (sodium salt)

    R,S-Equol 4'-Sulfate

    (±)-Equol 4'-sulfate is a gut-mediated phase II metabolite of the isoflavonoid phytoestrogen (±)-equol.

    (±)-Equol 4'-sulfate (sodium salt)  Chemical Structure
  37. GC41315 (±)-Ketoprofen Glucuronide

    rac-Ketoprofen Acyl-β-D-glucuronide, (R,S)-Ketoprofen Glucuronide

    (±)-Ketoprofen glucuronide is a phase II metabolite of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ketoprofen.

    (±)-Ketoprofen Glucuronide  Chemical Structure
  38. GC38369 (±)-Leucine (±)-Leucine  Chemical Structure
  39. GC65599 (±)-Leucine-d10 (±)-Leucine-d10  Chemical Structure
  40. GC49875 (±)-N-desmethyl Venlafaxine (hydrochloride)

    Wy 45494

    A minor active metabolite of venlafaxine (±)-N-desmethyl Venlafaxine (hydrochloride)  Chemical Structure
  41. GC39271 (±)-Naringenin

    SDihydrogenistein, NSC 11855, NSC 34875, Salipurol

    (±)-naringenina es un flavonoide natural. (±)-Naringenin  Chemical Structure
  42. GC13890 (±)-Palmitoylcarnitine chloride

    C16:0 Carnitine, CAR 16:0, DL-Carnitine hexadecanoyl ester, DL-Carnitine palmitoyl ester, Hexadecanoyl-DL-carnitine, DL-Hexadecanoylcarnitine, NSC 628323, DL-Palmitoylcarnitine

    (±)-El cloruro de palmitoilcarnitina es un sustrato mitocondrial derivado de un ácido graso y reduce selectivamente la supervivencia celular en las células de cáncer colorrectal y de próstata al afectar las vías proinflamatorias, la entrada de Ca2+ y los efectos similares a los de la DHT. (±)-Palmitoylcarnitine chloride  Chemical Structure
  43. GC46308 (±)-Sitagliptin-d4 (hydrochloride) A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities (±)-Sitagliptin-d4 (hydrochloride)  Chemical Structure
  44. GC40229 (±)-Warfarin-d5 (±)-Warfarin-d5 is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of warfarin by GC- or LC-MS. (±)-Warfarin-d5  Chemical Structure
  45. GC40539 (±)12(13)-EpOME

    (±)12,13-EODE, Isoleukotoxin, (±)-Vernolic Acid

    (±)12(13)-EpOME is the 12,13-cis epoxide of linoleic acid, generated by neutrophils during the oxidative burst. (±)12(13)-EpOME  Chemical Structure
  46. GC48738 (±)12-HETE-d8

    (±)12-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid-d8

    (±)12-HETE-d8  Chemical Structure
  47. GC41649 (±)13-HODE cholesteryl ester (±)13-HODE cholesteryl ester was originally extracted from atherosclerotic lesions and shown to be produced by Cu2+-catalyzed oxidation of LDL. (±)13-HODE cholesteryl ester  Chemical Structure
  48. GC48739 (±)15-HETE-d8

    (±)15-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid-d8

    (±)15-HETE-d8  Chemical Structure
  49. GC19444 (±)20-HDHA

    20hydroxy Docosahexaenoic Acid, (±)20HDoHE

    (±)20-HDHA ((±)20-HDoHE) es una mezcla racémica y es un producto de autooxidación del ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA). (±)20-HDHA  Chemical Structure
  50. GC40828 (±)5-HETE lactone

    (±)5-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid lactone

    (±)5-HETE lactone is a cyclic ester formed by acid-catalyzed nucleophilic addition of the C-5 hydroxyl to the C-1 carboxyl of (±)5-HETE. (±)5-HETE lactone  Chemical Structure
  51. GC40442 (±)8-HETE

    (±)8-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid

    (±)8-HETE es uno de los seis ácidos grasos monohidroxi producidos por la oxidación no enzimática del ácido araquidónico. (±)8-HETE  Chemical Structure
  52. GC40801 (±)9(10)-DiHOME

    Leukotoxin diol

    (±)9(10)-DiHOME es el racemato de 9,10-DiHOME. (±)9(10)-DiHOME  Chemical Structure
  53. GC41666 (±)9-HODE cholesteryl ester (±)9-HODE cholesteryl ester was originally extracted from atherosclerotic lesions and shown to be produced by Cu2+-catalyzed oxidation of LDL. (±)9-HODE cholesteryl ester  Chemical Structure
  54. GC30586 (±) Anabasine (±) Anabasine es un relajante muscular bifásico. (±) Anabasine  Chemical Structure
  55. GC61647 (+)-Longifolene (+)-Longifolene es un sesquiterpenoide y un metabolito en conejos. (+)-Longifolene  Chemical Structure
  56. GC10675 (+,-)-Octopamine HCl

    β,4-Dihydroxyphenethylamine, Epirenor, Norfen, NSC 108685, (±)-4-Octopamine, (±)-p-Octopamine

    El clorhidrato de octopamina ((±)-p-octopamina), una monoamina biogénica relacionada estructuralmente con la noradrenalina, actÚa como neurohormona, neuromodulador y neurotransmisor en invertebrados. (+,-)-Octopamine HCl  Chemical Structure
  57. GC45245 (-)-Caryophyllene oxide

    BCP oxide, β-Caryophyllene epoxide, β-Caryophyllene oxide

    (-)-Óxido de cariofileno, aislado de Annona squamosa L. (-)-Caryophyllene oxide  Chemical Structure
  58. GC17470 (-)-Cotinine

    NIH 10498

    La (-)-cotinina ((-)-(-)-cotinina), un alcaloide del tabaco y uno de los principales metabolitos de la nicotina, se utiliza como indicador biológico para medir la composición del humo del tabaco. (-)-Cotinine  Chemical Structure
  59. GC17242 (-)-epigallocatechin

    (-)EGC, epi-Gallocatechin, NSC 674039

    (-)-Epigalocatequina (Epigalocatequina) es el flavonoide mÁs abundante en el té verde, puede unirse a polipéptidos nativos desplegados y prevenir la conversiÓn a fibrillas de amiloide. (-)-epigallocatechin  Chemical Structure
  60. GC14049 (-)-Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)


    Un fenol con diversas actividades biológicas.

    (-)-Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)  Chemical Structure
  61. GC40218 (-)-Epigallocatechin Gallate-d3/d4


    (-)-Epigallocatechin gallate-d3/d4 is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate by GC- or LC-MS. (-)-Epigallocatechin Gallate-d3/d4  Chemical Structure
  62. GC34951 (-)-Menthol

    L-Menthol, (1R,2S,5R)-(-)-Menthol, NSC 62788

    El (-)-mentol es un componente clave del aceite de menta que se une y activa el receptor potencial transitorio de melastatina 8 (TRPM8), un canal catiÓnico no selectivo permeable al Ca2+-, para aumentar el [Ca2+]i. Actividad antitumoral. (-)-Menthol  Chemical Structure
  63. GC90533 (-)-Pinoresinol

    Un lignano con diversas actividades biológicas.

    (-)-Pinoresinol  Chemical Structure
  64. GC45252 (-)-Sitagliptin Carbamoyl Glucuronide

    (R)-Sitagliptin Carbamoyl Glucuronide

    (-)-Sitagliptin carbamoyl glucuronide is a minor phase II metabolite of the dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitor (-)-sitagliptin. (-)-Sitagliptin Carbamoyl Glucuronide  Chemical Structure
  65. GC72832 (1R)-IDH889 (1R)-IDH889 es el isómero de IDH889, y puede usarse como control experimental. (1R)-IDH889  Chemical Structure
  66. GC18622 (2'S)-Nicotine-1-oxide


    (2'S)-Nicotine-1-oxide is a metabolite of nicotine . (2'S)-Nicotine-1-oxide  Chemical Structure
  67. GC38299 (2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid El Ácido (2-aminoetil)fosfÓnico es un metabolito endÓgeno. (2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid  Chemical Structure
  68. GC68509 (25R)-12α-Hydroxyspirost-4-en-3-one

    (25R)-12α-Hidroxiespirost-4-en-3-ona es un metabolito secundario producido por la acción de Nocardia globerula sobre Hecogenina.

    (25R)-12α-Hydroxyspirost-4-en-3-one  Chemical Structure
  69. GC38265 (2R,3R)-2,3-Dihydroxysuccinic acid El Ácido (2R,3R)-2,3-dihidroxisuccÍnico (Ácido L-(+)-tartÁrico) es un metabolito endÓgeno. (2R,3R)-2,3-Dihydroxysuccinic acid  Chemical Structure
  70. GC62731 (2R,3R)-Butane-2,3-diol El (2R,3R)-butano-2,3-diol es un metabolito endÓgeno. (2R,3R)-Butane-2,3-diol  Chemical Structure
  71. GC38296 (2S,3R,4S,5R)-2-Amino-3,4,5,6-tetrahydroxyhexanal hydrochloride El clorhidrato de (2S,3R,4S,5R)-2-amino-3,4,5,6-tetrahidroxihexanal es un metabolito endÓgeno. (2S,3R,4S,5R)-2-Amino-3,4,5,6-tetrahydroxyhexanal hydrochloride  Chemical Structure
  72. GC33797 (3-Carboxypropyl)trimethylammonium chloride El cloruro de (3-carboxipropil)trimetilamonio es una sustancia angiopÁtica producida como metabolito intermediario por la microbiota intestinal que se alimenta de carnitina en la carne roja de la dieta. (3-Carboxypropyl)trimethylammonium chloride  Chemical Structure
  73. GC41694 (3S)-hydroxy Quinidine (3S)-hydroxy Quinidine is an active quinidine metabolite. (3S)-hydroxy Quinidine  Chemical Structure
  74. GC38144 (3S,4R,5S)-1,3,4,5,6-Pentahydroxyhexan-2-one A monosaccharide (3S,4R,5S)-1,3,4,5,6-Pentahydroxyhexan-2-one  Chemical Structure
  75. GC38283 (3S,4S,5R)-1,3,4,5,6-Pentahydroxyhexan-2-one (3S,4S,5R)-1,3,4,5,6-Pentahidroxihexan-2-ona (D-(-)-Tagatose) es un monosacÁrido raro que se encuentra en la naturaleza con caracterÍsticas prebiÓticas. (3S,4S,5R)-1,3,4,5,6-Pentahydroxyhexan-2-one  Chemical Structure
  76. GC12395 (D)-(+)-Neopterin (D)-(+)-Neopterina (D-(+)-(D)-(+)-Neopterina), un producto catabÓlico del trifosfato de guanosina (GTM), sirve como marcador de la activaciÓn del sistema inmunitario celular. (D)-(+)-Neopterin  Chemical Structure
  77. GC60399 (E)-10-Hydroxynortriptyline

    10(E)-hydroxy Nortriptyline

    La (E)-10-hidroxinortriptilina (E-10-OH-NT) es un metabolito de la nortriptilina. (E)-10-Hydroxynortriptyline  Chemical Structure
  78. GC65239 (E)-3,4-(Methylenedioxy)cinnamic acid El Ácido (E)-3,4-(metilendioxi)cinÁmico es un derivado del Ácido cinÁmico obtenido de la corteza del tallo de Brombya platynema. (E)-3,4-(Methylenedioxy)cinnamic acid  Chemical Structure
  79. GC91418 (E)-KPT-330

    KTP-330; trans Selinexor

    (E)-KPT-330 es un metabolito del inhibidor de exportina 1 (XPO1/CRM1) selinexor.

    (E)-KPT-330  Chemical Structure
  80. GC38684 (E)-m-Coumaric acid El Ácido (E)-m-cumÁrico (Ácido 3-hidroxicinÁmico) es un Ácido aromÁtico muy abundante en los alimentos. (E)-m-Coumaric acid  Chemical Structure
  81. GC62734 (E)-Oct-2-enoic acid El Ácido (E)-Oct-2-enoico es un metabolito endÓgeno. (E)-Oct-2-enoic acid  Chemical Structure
  82. GC40286 (E,Z)-2-propyl-2-Pentenoic Acid

    2-propyl-2-Pentenoate, 2-propylpenten-2-oic Acid, 2-ene-VPA

    (E,Z)-2-propyl-2-Pentenoic acid is a bioactive metabolite of valproic acid that exhibits the same profile and potency of anticonvulsant activity in animal models as its parent compound without any observed teratogenicity and hepatotoxicity. (E,Z)-2-propyl-2-Pentenoic Acid  Chemical Structure
  83. GC49189 (E/Z)-4-hydroxy Tamoxifen-d5

    Afimoxifene-d5, 4-OHT-d5

    An internal standard for the quantification of (E/Z)-4-hydroxy tamoxifen (E/Z)-4-hydroxy Tamoxifen-d5  Chemical Structure
  84. GC67476 (E/Z)-Sulindac sulfide El sulfuro de (E/Z)-sulindac es un potente modulador de la secretasa (GSM). El sulfuro de (E/Z)-sulindaca reduce selectivamente la producción de Aβ42 a favor de Aβ más corto; especies. El sulfuro de (E/Z)-sulindac se puede utilizar para investigar la enfermedad de Alzheimer'. (E/Z)-Sulindac sulfide  Chemical Structure
  85. GC60404 (Ethoxymethyl)benzene El (etoximetil)benceno es un metabolito endÓgeno. (Ethoxymethyl)benzene  Chemical Structure
  86. GA11210 (H-Cys-OH)2

    (–)-Cystine, NSC 13203

    (H-Cys-OH)2  Chemical Structure
  87. GN10783 (R) Ginsenoside Rh2 (R) Ginsenoside Rh2  Chemical Structure
  88. GC41721 (R)-α-Lipoic Acid

    (R)-(+)-Lipoic Acid

    (R)-α-Lipoic acid is the naturally occurring enantiomer of lipoic acid, a cyclic disulfide antioxidant. (R)-α-Lipoic Acid  Chemical Structure
  89. GC34442 (R)-(+)-Citronellal (R)-(+)-Citronelal, aislado de los aceites de cÍtricos, lavanda y eucalipto, es un monoterpenoide y componente principal del aceite de citronelal con un distintivo aroma a limÓn. (R)-(+)-Citronellal  Chemical Structure
  90. GC38262 (R)-(-)-1,3-Butanediol El (R)-(-)-1,3-butanodiol se usa para regular el metabolismo de carbohidratos y lÍpidos. (R)-(-)-1,3-Butanediol  Chemical Structure
  91. GC62737 (R)-(-)-O-Desmethyl Venlafaxine D6 (R)-(-)-O-Desmethyl Venlafaxine D6  Chemical Structure
  92. GC30210 (R)-3-Hydroxybutanoic acid El Ácido (R)-3-hidroxibutanoico es un metabolito y se convierte a partir de Ácido acetoacético catalizado por la 3-hidroxibutirato deshidrogenasa. (R)-3-Hydroxybutanoic acid  Chemical Structure
  93. GC61759 (R)-3-Hydroxybutanoic acid sodium El Ácido (R)-3-hidroxibutanoico sÓdico ((R)-3-Ácido hidroxibutÍrico) es un metabolito convertido a partir del Ácido acetoacético catalizado por la 3-hidroxibutirato deshidrogenasa. (R)-3-Hydroxybutanoic acid sodium  Chemical Structure
  94. GC71626 (R)-3-Hydroxybutanoic acid-13C2 sodium (R)-3-Hydroxybutanoic acid-13C2 sodium es el 13C etiquetado como ácido r-3-hidroxibutanoico sódico. (R)-3-Hydroxybutanoic acid-13C2 sodium  Chemical Structure
  95. GC30661 (R)-3-Hydroxyisobutyric acid El Ácido (R)-3-hidroxiisobutÍrico es un intermediario en las vÍas de la l-valina y la timina y desempeÑa un papel importante en el diagnÓstico de las muy raras enfermedades metabÓlicas hereditarias aciduria 3-hidroxiisobutÍrica y deficiencia de metilmalÓnico semialdehÍdo deshidrogenasa. (R)-3-Hydroxyisobutyric acid  Chemical Structure
  96. GC38282 (R)-5-Oxopyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid

    (R)-5-Oxoproline, (+)-Pyroglutamic Acid

    El Ácido (R)-5-oxopirrolidina-2-carboxÍlico es un metabolito endÓgeno. (R)-5-Oxopyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid  Chemical Structure
  97. GC19012 (R)-GNE-140 (R)-GNE-140 es un potente inhibidor de la lactato deshidrogenasa A (LDHA), con IC50 de 3 nM y 5 nM para LDHA y LDHB, respectivamente; (R)-GNE-140 es 18 veces mÁs potente que el enantiÓmero S. (R)-GNE-140  Chemical Structure
  98. GC52290 (R)-HTS-3 An inhibitor of LPCAT3 (R)-HTS-3  Chemical Structure
  99. GC61858 (R)-MLN-4760 (R)-MLN-4760, el enantiÓmero R de MLN-4760, es un inhibidor de ACE2, con una IC50 de 8,4 μM. (R)-MLN-4760  Chemical Structure
  100. GC38364 (R)-Ornithine hydrochloride (R)-Ornithine hydrochloride  Chemical Structure
  101. GC38363 (R)-pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid El Ácido (R)-pirrolidina-2-carboxÍlico es un metabolito endÓgeno. (R)-pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid  Chemical Structure

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